手短に出品するには次のレッセドラプリント展がいいと思います。 サイトにアクセスして規約を読んで挑戦してください。(締め切りが過ぎたので削除しました この展覧会には出品料が必要です。プロ作家、上級者は次のページのスウェーデンのコンペ(締め切りが過ぎたので削除しました)がやりがいがあるでしょう。 次に挑戦してください。 |
2012-8-22 | |
Hello dear Friend of Lessedra,
Hope you are well and things are goingfine with you. Now we have the chance for a change in the galleryschedule: Mini Print Annual is extended until September 21st, so thevisitors have about one month more to enjoy the meeting with wonderful printsfrom all over the world. The traditional Presentation of the PrizeWinners of the previous Mini Print Annual will start on September 26thuntil October 19th. First Prize Winner Keisuke Kojima from Japan and Prizefor Young artist Alexandra Dimitrova from Bulgaria. Alexandra is workingon new prints specially created for this exhibition. Kojima has invited 10more artists from his organization and there will be a very representativeshow of Contemporary Japanese Printmaking! From October 25th untilNovember 23rd we present Northern Irish Printmakers, a show curated byJanet Preston, Associate Lecturer in Fine Art Printmaking, University ofUlster, Belfast. December 14th is the Opening Reception of the 3rdInternational Painting & Mixed Media Exhibition/Competition and the showwill be held until February 15th, 2013... Please note we start collectingof the works in September until November 10th so you have about 2months to prepare and to send your works according to the conditions forparticipation http://www.lessedra.com/mixed_media_conditions.php?d=Conditions&l=en Forthe 2nd edition we have published 4 color printed catalogue and this willbe done also for the upcoming 3rd one. Hope to continue our so goodrelations. With my very best wishes from Sofia. YoursGeorgi Lessedra www.lessedra.com Hello dear Friend of Lessedra, Please note we started now in September collecting of the works for our 2nd International Competition in http://www.lessedra.com/mixed_media.php then prepare and send your works until November 10th, (earlieris better...) 15x 15 cm or smaller = equal to 5,9 x 5,9 inches.
Hello dear Friend of Lessedra,
Please note we started now in September collecting of the works for our 2nd International Competition in http://www.lessedra.com/mixed_media.php thenprepare and send your works until November 10th, (earlieris better...) 15x 15 cm or smaller = equal to 5,9 x 5,9 inches.
Thankyou very much!
Hello dear Friend ofLessedra, collectingof the works for our 2nd International Competition in http://www.lessedra.com/mixed_media.php then prepare and send your works until November 10th, (earlieris better...) 15x 15 cm or smaller = equal to 5,9 x 5,9 inches.