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ベルギー、  リエージェ市

Je grave commeje respire, mal.LE PRIX

Je gravecomme le voyageur qui ne connait pas son


Qui doit s’y reprendre tout le temps, se trompant

sans cessede chantier.

Je gravecomme je marche, avec des chaussures

et deschaussettes qui prennent l’eau.

Je gravecomme j’aime. Je grave comme jedeteste.

Je gravecomme je fume. Je grave comme je bois.

Mais bon jegrave (presque) tout le temps.”


Dacos left us on 14th June 2012. He played a major

role indefending and promoting the art of engraving

in Liege andbeyond. A teacher of engraving at the

Academie desBeaux-Arts (Fine ArtsAcademy)

in Liege,co-founder of the Biennale de Gravure

(Engraving Bi-Annual Event), of theLa Poupee

dEncre(The Ink Doll association, Dacos is

everywhereregarding engraving or engravers.

Dacosentertained the idea as regards the project,

inintroducing a prize which would support and

stimulateyoung engravers. Also, the City of Liege,

in closecollaboration with the artist’s family,

isorganising the first edition of the Prix Dacos

(“Dacos Prize”)on 2015.

This prizeis intended to stimulate contemporary

artisticcreation.It will be awarded to an artist,

agedless than 30 years old,whopractises print

engraving inthe broadest sense. The candidates

will comefrom all countries across the world. The

prize willbe given in the year corresponding to the

contemporaryBiennale de Gravure.

The prize isan amount of2,500.


1. Contestregistration is free.

2. Allprinting techniques, traditional or

experimental,are accepted.

3. Thepresentation dossier (A4 format) must


・the artist’s curriculum vitae

・theregistration form, duly completed

・an explanatorytext, as regards the process

whichunderpins the artist’s work

・5 to 10reproductions on good quality paper,

accompaniedby a technical dossier of work

・Original worksor files sent by email will be


・The files willnot be returned

4. Dossiersmust be sent before 30th October

2017 by postto :Administration du Musee des

Beaux-Arts -Prix Dacos (a l’attention deFanny

Moens) - 86Feronstree - 4000 Liege - Belgium.

5. A jurymade up of representatives of the City of

Liege, theartist’s family and externalmembers

will proceedwith selecting projects.

All the rulesof the contest

are availableon




≪Prix Dacos≫

Fanny Moens+32 (0)4 221 89 16

Ed. Resp. JP Hupkens, Feronstree 92, 4000 Liege - Impression CIM VIlle deLiege - Couverture c Dacos,Lalonguemarche, 1982, lithographie.


FORengravers, aged less than 30 years old

2thedition |2017